Our Programs
The WOOF Prison Program
“Women Offering Obedience and Friendship” (WOOF) is essential to PSD. Located inside Lowell Correctional Facility’s Work Camp, the program offers 25-30 female inmates the opportunity to train service dogs, learn pet industry skills, and benefit from reentry coaching. In return, the inmate-trainers assist in the training of all PSD dogs from puppyhood to placement.
Warrior Week
Once a veteran applicant has been matched with a service dog, the team must undergo advanced training together. At PSD we call this “Warrior Week” because it is entirely focused on teaching the veteran how to “use” their service dog. During Warrior Week, veterans must cover the cost of their accommodation in Ocala, FL, transportation to and from training, and meals outside of the training program.
Service Dog Summer School
From June to August each year, the dogs of PSD leave the WOOF program and spend the summer with volunteer “Puppy Raisers.” These volunteers teach the dogs how to work in public places and be a part of a family. PSD provides training sessions, support, and covers all dog-related costs. Many volunteers chose to continue working with a dog after the program ends.
Whitman's Warrior Project
Named in honor of the WOOF Program mascot, a one-eyed bully mix named Whitman, this project sponsors a rescue puppy to undergo service dog training. The recue puppy completes the same training as all other PSD recruits, and if successful, is placed with a veteran. The project is supported by donations and by the proceeds of products from our small business Project Partners.
Ongoing Veteran Support
The Ongoing Team Support Program assists veteran/service dog teams as they learn to navigate the world together. Later, it assists teams if the needs of the veteran change. And eventually, it assists veterans in making the decision to retire their service dog. This program also allows PSD to recertify our teams every year to maintain our high standards.
Sponsorship Programs
On average, it costs between $15,000-$20,000 to raise and train a high-quality service dog. Our sponsorship programs break down those costs so individuals, clubs, families, and businesses can contribute to the success of the PSD mission and ensure that no veteran pays for their service dog. We cannot do what we do without our sponsors.
Career Change Dogs:
Not all dogs are born to be service dogs:
If a dog is better suited to a different job, Patriot Service Dogs does our best to find alternative placements. We never force a dog to become a service dog.
PSD dogs have gone on to work with search and rescue organizations, US Customs, fire departments, and sheriff departments.

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